Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang 9-30g Nourishes Jing and Blood, fills the Marrow and Nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin.
With Dang Gui, for Blood Deficiency.
With Dang Gui, Bai Shao and Chuan Xiong, for anemia.
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui 3-15g Tonifies, invigorates and harmonizes the Blood.
With Huang Qi, for many Blood Deficiency patterns.
With Shu Di Huang, for Heat symptoms due to Yin Deficiency and Devastated Blood.
Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao 5-30g Nourishes the Blood and astringes Yin.
With Dang Gui, nourishes Yin and Blood.
With Dang Gui and Shu Di Huang, for dizziness, blurred vision, and dysmenorrhea due to Blood Deficiency or Stasis.
Fr. Cnidii She Chuang Zi 3-30g Disperses Cold, dispels Wind, dries Dampness, warms and tonifies the Kidneys and strengthens Yang.
Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi 5-18g Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidney Jing, Blood and Yin.
With Shu Di Huang, for Liver and Kidney Deficiency.
Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong 3-10g Invigorates the Blood, promotes the movement of Qi and expels Wind.
With Dang Gui, harmonizes, nourishes and invigorates the Blood and disperses Blood Stasis.
Sm. Cuscutae Tu Si Zi 6-18g Strengthens Yang, nourishes Yin, astringes Jing and urine, benefits the marrow and tonifies the Kidneys and Liver.
Hb. Ecliptae Mo Han Lian 9-15g Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin and cools the Blood.
Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu 9-30g Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, nourishes the Blood and Jing and expels Wind from the skin by nourishing the Blood.
Rx. Astragali Huang Qi 9-30g Tonifies Qi and Blood.
With Dang Gui, for Qi and Blood Deficiency.
Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi 3-9g Regulates Qi and helps prevent Stagnation from tonic herbs.
  • Tonifies the Blood
  • Moistens Dryness
  • Dispels Wind
  • Blood Deficiency Generates Wind
  • Alopecia
  • Chronic eczema with thick, dry, dark flaky skin
  • Anemia
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Abscesses
  • Ulceration